coreBOS is three years old!

Today coreBOS is three years old. It is now three years since I announced the official start of the coreBOS project and I think it is time for me to give coreBOS more visibility. I thought that the best way to do this would be by working on another of my passions and write about this amazing product. Not code, which is what I usually write, but prose.

What to write about is very clear, it is what many people have been asking us directly:

What is new in coreBOS?

I am going to dedicate a whole series of technical blog posts to describe the most relevant changes that coreBOS has gone through month by month. Along the way I will stop to go in deeper detail with some of the advanced or impacting features that need more explanation, trying to give some examples, links and, hopefully some video tutorials.

Some posts will be frugal, specially at the beginning where we were just doing all those things that vtiger refused to do for their (false) open source project, while others will be to complex to do in just one post and will extend into various, hopefully enlightening articles.

Obviously I will enhance the documentation as I move along, so expect some links to the documentation wiki for more information.

While I am pushing this blogging/documentation project along, my partner Lorenzo is working on a series of webinars and post about many of these same features but from a users point of view, less technical and much more practical, in a real effort to get people to know about all the awesome things you can do with coreBOS.

I expect to post approximately every two weeks or so and I will upload the links to our Google+ and LinkedIn communities, but you can subscribe here on the right to get the notification and our monthly newsletter.

"As we were saying yesterday...", coreBOS is moving along incredibly well, growing with features, stability and companion applications every day, so I invite you to follow this blog and get up to date with all the magic that is going on.

Happy Birthday from the whole coreBOS Team

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