We are proud to present the coreBOS webservice developers' tools project!

This project is formed by two parts: the coreBOS webservice library and the coreBOS webservice developers' tool.

The first is a set of high level methods to access and work with the coreBOS web service RESTful interface, while the second is an attractive development interface for testing, learning and working with the applications' REST interface.

The web service developer application is also the base upon which we test the enhancements and features of the REST interface, so you can easily load real examples that we have created to test the functionality and, ideally it will serve as a common ground to debug problems that anybody may encounter.

Both projects are very stable and won't be seeing full roadmaps and release schedules. Instead we will be applying continuous integration and bug fixes so I would recommend to follow the projects for change notifications.

The projects are fully open source and available on GitHub, so feel free to come on over and help out.

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