The effort we have been making during the last year's is starting to take effect as it gets easier to use the system as a development platform and an end user application. It just gets easier and easier for us to add functionality for both use cases.
This month coreBOS gets a plethora of new functionality and configuration potential as we start leveraging the power of business maps and continue to use the flexibility of global variables, and all that without stopping to stomp bugs and clean up the code base.
A constant explosion of features, functionality, and enhancements. Although I am living this journey in the front seat, looking back, I am still astonished to see how many changes can fit in one month!
This month is the second birthday of the coreBOS application. As we continue to empirically demonstrate that this project has a lot of life in it and an enormous potential, with constant development, we release the first version of another game changer: Business Maps and squash another all time classic.
Happy birthday coreBOS!
The birth of the coreBOS Test Project along with a whole set of enhancements, features, and implementor utilities make for a very productive Valentine's month.
A new year begins as we continue our journey. Adding value and flexibility to coreBOS in order for you to do your business better and use this software as the lever you need to accomplish your goals: Happy New Year from coreBOS!