As we concentrate on making coreBOS safer, faster and bug-free, we revisit the calendar module and reporting extension while we keep adding configuration options and features. Enjoy!
- activate all-day field in the database
- all day events, refactor drag and resize events
- Calendar_PopupReminder_DaysPast global variable for reminder popups
- field dependency between date_start and date_end
- validations: planned start in future, recurring check is month date and follow up is after the end date
- add support for 12h format in getaddEventPopupTime
- avoid warning in quickcreate changeset
- cbCalendar install with no time limit for installs with a lot of calendar events
- check and Restore Email Relations
- correctly save old date time activity fields due to changes in uitype50
- correctly translate calendar header
- correct property name and return inline result optimization
- correct reminder popup time now that it comes in as default timezone
- do not push end date when editing end date on calendar validation
- dynamic change AM/PM on calendar edit
- ignore calendar records with no start date
- migrate calendar reports to the cbCalendar module
- move reports changeset needs to load ReportRun if executed from outside the application (migrations)
- recover calendar create button context menu lost deleting obsolete files.
- recover EditView form to support delete action
- recurring events to cbCalendar and correctly set time
- repeat events were losing time and repeating the first date
- set 24h as the default time
- set related lists and eliminate old calendar code
- support for 12h times on calendar validation
- timezone error on drag and drop
- use getModuleForField in changeset to get correct module for email relations
- use parameter SpecialPermissionMayHaveDuplicateRows to indicate that cbCalendar will not have duplicates in special permissions.accessquery
- User Hour Field and Calendar QuickCreate
- use user hour format instead of hardcoded 12h in reminder popup
- set am/pm setting to 12
- center calendar icon
- support for ajax edit (mass edit) and correctly format DateTime on reports
- do not show time format when the date is empty
- support for 12h times
- move Quick Create functions from templates to JS script (cache), get correct module name
- correct SQL to get only mandatory fields, not all fields that contain an M
- do extra date validations only if defined
- eliminate old calendar modules
- filter the newly created field on the entity field of the module, not on uitype4 which may not be present
- support javascript calendar in the quick create form of popup
- process first Quick Create capture fields to avoid conflicts with underlying forms/fields
- send quick create module for validations, not the underlying module
- use currentModule and SINGLE_ label
- fixed report type in Reports module
- format files and minor optimization getting only necessary fields from the database
- try to get end time using lbl_action ID if calendar ID is not found
- always add inventoryproductrel when product/service is added
- avoid adding inventory product lines in totals reports
- cleanup and warnings from the new column for report type.
- decide to show graph depending on grouping options not name: if it is grouped there is a graph
- extended report column list cache to hold different columns depending on the destination output
- force calculation of computed dependencies in planner when new dependencies are added
- generic support for currency field in secondary module
- get total report count right after launching paged query so we don't get a count of some other query
- helpdesk relation with contacts
- link calendar actions to cbCalendar
- migrate calendar to cbcalendar
- move reports calendar to cbcalendar
- show display date time value for old date_start and time_start field
- standardize generateReportsSecQuery in base modules
- support reports that use only custom fields
- try finding fields with ampersand substituted for and
- dynamically enable/disable query planner and consult status
- enable/disable temporary tables methods
- last 14 days filter
- query planner: avoids unnecessary joins to optimize SQL
- support for current_user meta variable in conditions, like filters
- simplify code with minor optimization
- use a temporary table for subqueries of related entities
- correctly detect IN/NOTIN operators case insensitve
- getProductImages correct return function name
- UploadProductImages: format code and return same error when images cannot be uploaded from the start
- Add more detail to UploadProductImages return statement
Optimizations and Security
- for-loop optimizations
- inlined variables that are immediately returned
- eliminate unused cache code in DateTimeField
- retrieve sharing information optimization in OrgSharing for create user privileges
- significantly improve the performance of list view pages in the most common case
- refactor getTabModuleName to eliminate duplicate code
- no executable files
- update PHPMailer to 5.2.25
- force password change for admin user on first access after install if set to 'admin'
- update jquery code: replaced attr with prop
- reduce user and login fields. Thanks John Crisp
- always set default user when creating a record
- fix time zone on calendar listview
- stringposition, stringlength and stringreplace expressions
- errors and warnings in workflow templates
- avoid potential logical operator precedence issue
- correctly process radio buttons and detect record id for validation screen values
- support for event_dependent column in manifest.xml files
- add user hour format to Browser Variables
- comparison function for DateTime fields in javascript
- added massHideFields and massDeleteFields methods in coreBOS updater
- add SpecialPermissionMayHaveDuplicateRows parameter to indicate if duplicates may appear in the new query or not in corebos.permissions.accessquery event
- getCRMIdsFromStringPattern method to get the array of record IDs from an email string pattern
- DateTime Field methods to support 12h time formatting
- add fieldid of the field that establishes the relation and relation type to the Related Lists database meta information
- getReferenceList API method on Fields to get list of related modules in a capture field
- CronTasks_cronWatcher_TimeThreshold
- EMail_CustomCurrentDate_Format
- debug email conversation global variable (Debug_Email_Sending) to help fixing output smtp settings issues
- Application_UI_ShowGITDate, Application_UI_CompanyName and Application_UI_ShowGITVersion
Some business requirements we have run into, need to be able to select an existing account when converting a Lead instead of having a new account created. This month we convert the account name field in the lead conversion screen into a capture field to permit selecting an existing account.

- eliminate cache of tabdata file when the file is generated
- package import fixes
- install Database update
- update supported PHP version
- application message format based on LDS
- search for the module in the database if not found in tabdata file
- warning message for Inventory Modules if the record contains deleted product/services
- JSCalendar support for 12h initial values through inputTimeFormat parameter and fill in input field with selected 12h range
- convert reference fields to links in Tooltip
- add a file with approximate git version. It will be updated every time we update service worker
- correctly unlink Relationship with documents and delegate work to the parent method
- eliminate redundant local method and unnecessary comments in Assets and establish the relation with products
- First alphabetical Role doesn't show on select in Create Group
- DeDuplication match special characters
- permit word wrap on DetailView label cells and eliminate space
- set file upload column_fields values in Documents save so they are available in event handlers
- Fixed select all when clicked multiple time
- Date Comparision equality was wrong, and we add functionality that permits evaluating without emitting message
- support for related module fields in Global AutoComplete Search
- set default picklist size in Import, so it doesn't break screen layout
- correctly get the line number for Inventory Modules validations
- we need to force onblur for each inventory line to load taxes when we add more than one product/service at the same time
- isPermitted if recordid is given it must belong to the module being checked. this happens on convert inventory modules
- Load first image found from special multi-image field in products related lists
- correctly translate related list label in Quick Related List
- now that we have the related field information in the database we use it to set the relation field in the quick related list widget
- eliminate warnings, notice, MySQL strict and code cleanup (this one is a constant every month, even today)
- translations
Thanks for reading.