A tale of creating awesomazing software

March-June 2014: coreBOS 5.5

So, what was I doing during these first months of life of coreBOS?

Well, mostly I was very nervous, expectant, waiting for the reactions of the community. I had been asked hundreds of times to leader this fork. We had just finished another vtiger Europe day whe...

coreBOS is three years old!

Today coreBOS is three years old. It is now three years since I announced the official start of the coreBOS project and I think it is time for me to give coreBOS more visibility. I thought that the best way to do this would be by working on another of my passions an...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

What a year! Saying it was a roller coaster ride would be a total shortcoming!!

This year has seen the birth of coreBOS. It has been extremely convulsive in the mother company with constant changes, ups and downs, doubts and risks. I have to say that, all in...

This is a guest post by Andrea Alberici Evolutivo founder - coreBOS Evangelist

"We are not making a real fork, we just have to stay to 5.4 because many people (clients) will never move to the new infrastructure"

Yes, i agreed when i read in between the lines in coreBOS first "press-rele...

coreBOS doesn't cease to surprise me!

This week I ran into two use cases of coreBOS which surprised me. Still, after all these years, coreBOS users find productive and useful ways to use the product that I haven't seen before.

1.- Nagios creating tickets

A client asked about using "update fi...

How to keep your coreBOS application up to date

coreBOS 5.5 has brought a new tool to our powerful business operating system, coreBOS Updater.

Since we have a very stable and tested code base, and thanks to the powerful code administration and distribution system that Git/GitHub gives us, i...