Wow! just wow
Features and Implementor/Developer enhancements
Application views We add a specific system to support a set of different "views". Changing the action parameter we can easily change from one view to another. For the moment we hard code 4 types of views (plus the existing List View) for some plans we have for the next few months. It is similar to adding acton scripts in each module but a little more integrated into the look and feel of the application. Using this we implement a Kanban view to prove we have gotten it right and we make a set of changes as we do that to offer infrastructure to the new views.
- basic entry points for new views
- support for different views: List, Kanban, Dashboard, Pivot, and Advanced List
- basic integration of advanced TUIGrid view (needs validation). can be activated via a global variable
- load actions from common directory if not found in the module directory
- insert custom code into ListView process via the custom_list_include variable
- extract filter section into its own file and support hiding the paging section and/or the whole section
- extract search section into its own file and support hiding it
Kanban view first semi-functional version of kanban functionality for a module based on a business map. I will make an official release when the functionality is complete.
- generic layout and look and feel
- vanilla javascript kanban library
- Kanban View Business Map
- dynamic fill in lanes on load
- infinite scroll
- separate action button
- direct operations
- code for ordering cards in place but far from functional
- drag and drop change control field

BlueWhite |
BlueWhiteBoxed |
- rowGenerator to loop on database results. Luke describes here a new PHP construct to loop over database results in a much more memory and speed efficient manner. We add this functionality to coreBOS so it can be used where necessary. Probably would be nice to add this to the streaming functionality we learned about in the previous blog post to make it even faster and support larger data sets (anyone up to it?)
- powerful and flexible autofill of email addresses in the send email popup. Thanks George!

- Components
- icon component
- permit adding any entry in DropdownButtons menu with a string. useful for separators
- support icon button in dropdown menu component and use it in kanban view
- tooltip on the left of icon
- code to clean picklists with incorrect values, just open the picklist editor and you will see the new functionality if you have a picklist with incorrect values
- service to load the DetailView contents without having to save: DETAILVIEWLOAD
- PopupEdit support callback function with parameters: Module_Popup_Save Module_Popup_Save_Param
- listfields script to get a list of all the fields of a module (HelperScripts)
- listmodules script to get a list of modules in the install (HelperScripts)
- Web Service Enhancements
- support comma-separated and array list of IDs to relate when creating a record
- vtws_getCRMID function
- correctly support comma-separated relations virtual field
- do not return empty relations virtual field in Documents create, no other module does that and it is always empty anyway
- Workflow Enhancements
- add support for context (SetManyToManyRelation_Record) in Set many to many relations
- add support for context (SetManyToManyRelation_Records) and any type of IDs in set M:M relations tasks
- executeSQL expression language function
- getRelatedIDs expression function with optional parameter to set record from
- regexreplace expression function
- Masquerade support. A special mention to the masquerade integration that was finished and released this month. We will create a specific blog post to inform you about it.
coreBOS Standard Code Formatting, Security, Optimizations, and Tests
We continue working with Sonarqube.
Last Run July |
Last Run August |
- coreBOS Standard Formatting: eliminate warnings initializing vars, eliminate useless code and comments, format code
- Eliminate technical debt
- eliminate/change variables, parameters, and functions. sonarqube
- eliminate unused files in ADODB
- eliminate unused code in Leads and Emails
- update obsolete HTML
- cleanup javascript
- boolean checks should not be inverted.sonarqube
- change Business Map local variable name and reduce returns
- apply LDS to Calendar settings screen
- reduce cognitive complexity, format function headers, move string to constant in Global Variable
- reduce cognitive complexity: merge conditions, reduce duplicate code and change switch to if in Inventory Details
- vtlib package manipulation: reduce cognitive complexity and useless code
- Refactor and duplicates
- correct license text in some files
- string literals should not be duplicated: attachment postfix entity string
- string literals should not be duplicated: multipicklist separator
- apply basic LDS and cleanup Calendar event settings
- change strange GenDoc variable check for PHP empty
- abstract getPriceBookRelatedProducts to work with services and eliminate duplicate code
- simplify Reports cell print output logic
- duplicate vtlib code into common function
- Documentation:
- create funding.yml: please consider pitching in with some financial support, every little bit helps
- correct capitalization of type casts
- correctly set variable type in CRMEntity to avoid false positive in static analysis
- function headers, and comments
- non-stop wiki enhancements
- Optimizations
- eliminate unused function results
- eliminate redundant require and unused optional parameter in CRMEntity
- use forEach instead of map where we don't modify the original array
- CronWatcher: use empty instead of count to see if array is empty
- iterate over not deleted records in generate document workflow task
- use DETAILVIEWLOAD in MasterDetail to avoid saving record and launching workflows
- increment database column in one call
- use direct SQL value instead of variable
- delete unused properties and method in set M:M relations workflow task
- simplify switch and optimize conditional in WSApp
- PHP8 support
- avoid named parameters in call_user_func_array
- change obsolete each for foreach
- flatten arrays for prepared statements in web service
- type cast for math operator in workflow
- Security
- reduce contact information exposure
- add support for samesite Cookie property (still not used though)
- eliminate unused third party dockerfiles to avoid snyk false positives noise
- send delete action via POST and validate CSRF
- validate CSRF on Execute Functions. Add permission access and eliminate warning
- send Pricebooks form wth post and validate CSRF and permissions to change value
- exclude more files from Sonarqube analysis
- sanitize Workflow DOM (snyk)
- update TagCanvas to 2.11
- update ChartJS to latest 2.x version
- update DOMPurify to 2.3.1
- update Smarty 3.1.39
- Unit Tests: keeps getting more and more assertions
- minimum value for rand must be a number
- check edit/delete permissions for MasterDetail records
- migration from vtiger crm 7*. not finished and no plan to finish but I share just in case someone is interested
- add primary key on ModTracker details table to support Masquerade
- apply LDS to PriceBooks edit list price form
- apply standard error message to AutoNumber settings when no module has an autonumber field
- add field metainformation for uitype 63
- set the correct number of parameters in GenDoc eval_existe call and respect cache file name if given
- don't unset global variable to return correct crmid in GenDoc record save
- support for Issue and Receipt modules in web service (product lines)
- clear whitespace from email addresses to avoid errors
- missing parameter, missing switch default, eliminate useless code and fill in else case with quoted_printable_decode in MailManager and Converter
- add security check for message retrieval in Mobile
- fix error in vtlib module export with empty related lists
- call correct functions with the correct parameters in Profile settings
- apply LDS to ViewPermissions test functionality
- Translations
- GenDoc and Picklist pt_br Thank you SlemerNet!

Thanks for following.