Some interesting new functionality arrives this June, like the SendGrid and HubSpot integrations and a very important new workflow task to call web services, but there is more and the usual maintenance stuff as we keep enhancing the project.
- load default email template per origin module. For some time now we have had the Users_Default_Send_Email_Template global variable to load a default email template per user, now we can load a different template depending also on the module we are in, so we can have a default template for Invoice emails and another one for Accounts emails.
- merge Email templates with mixed legacy and workflow syntax
- new Workflow task to execute a REST web service call and update some fields in the application. A VERY powerful task. Thanks Lorida
- support default values for individual taxes on product/service

- permit executing manual/system workflows even if they are not immediate (so emails are sent directly not queued)
- migrate uitype 76 (Potential capture on Quotes and Sales Orders) to the generic uitype 10 in order to standardize the code and user experience
- update Service Worker from the discontinued sw-precache to workbox this fixes some issues using the application on mobile apps
- set "last start" and "end time" methods to manipulate execution time dynamically
- add Decision Table map XSD validation
- add support for .service files in Console validation
- add 'corebos.popup.footer' event to Popup window which is used by our Colorizer extension to show colored elements now in the popup too
A long time ago we added the possibility to translate coreBOS from within the application. This month we clean up the project and adapt it to the latest translation recommendations (using the xx_xx.custom.php file).
- post translations for big language files
- incorrect filter option
- use the complete set of translation strings for modules
- use latest translation functionality to get translations
- write new translations to custom file
read all about it here
- email sending and notification driver
- support inline logo and qrcodes
- workflow attachment format
We complete the release of the Hub Spot integration. You can get some information here
- in the GenDoc Labels extension, you can now copy the label to the clipboard simply clicking on the row
- the GenDoc extension has the functionality to save the merged document in the Documents module. The folder where the document is saved is defined by the GenDoc_Save_Document_Folder global variable. Now this variable uses the correct module context to obtain variable where to save merged documents so we can have different folders per module.
- support for cbCompany entity
- map Organization tags to cbCompany module
- convert checkbox to LDS toggle in direct compile page
- apply LDS to GenDoc direct merge pages
- apply LDS to GenDoc merge labels page
coreBOS Standard Code Formatting, Security, Optimizations and Clean Up
- formatting and eliminating warnings in Calendar, GenDoc, File Translation, Inventory Edit View, Picklist, Taxes, Whatsapp/Events
- cleanup quotes, spaces and indentation
- exclude HubSpot libraries from Continuous Integration
- eliminate warning in mail converter and delete a duplicate line of code in merge
- adjust Business Map definition in documentation
- eliminate unused files in Business Map
- substitute variable for direct access in Contacts
- eliminate unused file: DefaultDataPopulator
- ignore visual studio code and node_modules files
- correct Picklist function comments
- eliminate unused code from vtiger crm listypes in Web Service
- move Whatsapp log file to the logs directory
- eliminate warning in RecordSet Map
- eliminate warnings and bluepay code in the Payment module
- update LDS package version to reflect the latest version of the code
- eliminate execution bit in TCPDF files
- update TCPDF to the latest version for security and fixes
- correctly validate isPermitted call in Autocomplete
- detect comment creation mode to apply correct permissions
- correctly call Related Panes Business Map in the test script
- Google insert cron not permitting Calendar events to be deleted
- fix Extended Field Info business map XSD validation to accept more than one field definition in the same map
- decode cbQuestion conditions for query
- use application error message for Global Search error
- move Global Search implementation to Utilities Module so we can deactivate Home module and still keep searching
- make LanguageImport methods public as they are used during install
- use language also in Module Translation cache key to support working with other languages than the currently selected one
- get correct MktAction field names in MsgTemplate
- avoid JS error due to non-existant function in Product and Service
- support html encoded separator and avoid generating qrcode on empty values in QRScanCode tag
- use main class methods to obtain sort and order so global and session variables are used when sorting Related Lists
- Sort/Order: use correct module name when class is called in the context of another module (RelatedList)
- do not show tax rows if there are no taxes configured
- name Tax Fields table cell container consistently: like all other fields
- Product/Service: show taxes in individual rows when editing
- Users sort by admin property missing break
- redirect Utilities to integrations by default
- return true if one of the date objects to validate is null
- always load product line functionality for inventory modules in Web Service so they work inside loops in direct scripts
- return all picklist values accessible to Web Service user including subordinate roles. like inside the application
- add module field picklist in Whatsapp Workflow Task form
- directly load edit template as create template does not exist anymore for Product and Service
- module icon for MailManager and Workflow
- Continuous translation effort:
- load fr Global Variable extended definitions instead of en
- Workflow new task and map
- document GenDoc global variables

Thanks for reading.