Three projects that have been around for a long time finally make it into the main coreBOS branch: Module Builder, Mass Actions, and Pivot View. As if that weren't enough we get the typical set of enhancements and bug fixes. A lot of security issues too thanks to Huntr! Update and enjoy.
Features and Implementor/Developer enhancements
- Module Builder I don't know what I am more impressed about with this project. It is something I never planned on having, it is a pure community-driven initiative, it has a rich set of options with a nice (fresh) user interface and it covers almost all the things you can do when creating a new module. I have been asked many times about this one and was always resistant about having it but here it is at last: a coreBOS extension that permits you to create new modules. Thank you to everyone who participated, in special to Denald for starting (and finishing) the project.
- Pivot view Lorida, who is moving to new pastures this month, implements a new business map and module view that permits us to aggregate field values in a multi-dimensional table view. You can read the details in the wiki and expect some more information in the blog and video tutorials in the future. As for Lorida, coreBOS will always be your home and I would enjoy immensely that you stick around as much as you can, your knowledge, professionalism, and personality are a treasure for all those who have had the pleasure to work with you. I wish you the best.
- Mass Actions Timothy fixed the workflow mass action section some months ago but I couldn't get around to validating the code mostly because I wanted to redesign the queue system. I finally decided to review and accept the code as it was and not block it any longer. It turned out to be something I should have done much sooner as the code is great, even the queue part. We still have to work on the queue system and create some user-friendly design for this functionality, but now we can launch mass actions from the workflow system! Thank you Timothy.
- Global Search Business Question This new type of business question accepts a Type Properties value to launch a global search in the application and return the set of IDs that are found. Combined with the Mass Actions functionality this question will find all the records that fulfill a search (even a tag search) and execute some action on each one (!). The Property accepts this format:
"query": "find this",
"searchin": "Assets,Accounts",
- new global variable Lead_Convert_AssignedUser to select assigned user on lead conversion
- new global variable Application_Display_QuickCreate to hide Quick Create menu, also hide it if there are no modules configured
- new global variable GenDoc_PDFConversion_Retries to define the number of retries of a GenDoc PDF conversion when it fails
- permit access to asterisk information in Users queries
- new validation method: validate_EU_VAT_NotBlank
- new web service hook corebos.filter.portalmodulerestrictions to fine-tune the automatic restrictions that coreBOS imposes on Portal Login users
- support tag:: search in Web Service global search
- Global Variable definitions page action links permit us to click on the name of a variable in the definitions page to start the creation of a record with that global variable selected
coreBOS Standard Code Formatting, Security, Optimizations, and Tests
- coreBOS Standard Formatting: eliminate warnings initializing vars, eliminate useless code and comments, format code
- Documentation:
- function headers, and comments
- non-stop wiki enhancements
- Optimizations
- prevent query from duplicate joins
- delete unused variables in List View
- reduce SQL columns in Mail query
- extract variable out of loop and substitute variable for constant in role retrieval function
- use empty instead of count for array evaluation
- Security. The team of Huntr is helping out a lot! Thanks.
- validate CSRF on delete workflow action, on/off task action and a few others
- XSS in Subject of To Dos
- XSS in RSS content
- validate SVG images for malicious content
- sanitize List View inputs being written in URLs
- update SimplePie library from 1.4.1 to 1.5.6
- logout user when deleted
- sensitive Data Exposure: file path
- restrict access to system workflows: only admin can access
- Unit Tests: keeps getting more and more assertions
- Solve page-shaking bug. The first contribution of our new Community member @helkyar (Javi) and a VERY important one. Welcome and Thank you!
- load and apply coreBOS updates in Github actions
- eliminate the old way of setting the cancel button in Documents
- set values for all Emails fields to avoid SQL Strict mode failure
- permit unselect all modules in Global Search which wasn't working
- synchronize all Global Variable definition files and delete comments
- correctly construct javascript array from sorted role list and apply the same logic to users and groups for Groups management
- increment import field size to support JSON and MEDIUM text fields
- set max and min width of Kanban cards
- set quick create sequence to 0 in Layout Editor when none is set
- correct property name and reduce if (sonarqube)
- List View improvements
- decode special characters in headers
- do not validate email field in advanced search
- open/close actions on hover event
- remove buttons at the bottom of grid
- remove session for order by and support 3 types of sorting
- set equal operator for date in basic search
- wrong currentModule name in RecycleBin module
- fix Tooltips
- email configuration per user: use FROM from username, not from general mail settings
- make MailManager inherited CRMEntity properties non-static
- apply LDS modal formatting to MassTag functionality
- sort users and group alphabetically in Reports
- Workflows
- remove white spaces to the list of bcc emails in workflow Email Task
- fix the unique Expression indexing for Query Expression substring
- reduce the time between read and delete tasks in queue
- show permission message when trying to delete a workflow user does not have access to
- Translations
- GenDoc_PDFConversion_Retries
- GlobalVariable/PBX/Menu/Import/Settings: pt_br. Thanks Slemernet!
- ModuleBuilder: eliminate duplicate keys and es_*

Thanks for following.