Slow vacation month brings important enhancement in workflow system supporting dot notation for array support, a Clickhouse ingestion end-point, some global variables, and a new application Cache layer object along with the typical pace. Yes, like coreBOS slow 
Features and Implementor/Developer enhancements
- add module label Browser Variable
- cbAppCache global object: slowly migrating all the custom cache to our cache library
- ClickHouse notification service: we can use coreBOS as an ingestion end point to send information to any Clickhouse table defined in a connected Clickhouse server
- Business Maps
- support array values for fields
- support workflow expression parameters in SQL condition query
- add getDestinationFields function in Mapping file
- export specific map object on direct converttoarray call
- RelatedListsBlock
- add tooltip block in RelatedListBlock map
- add editview block in map and select specific fields in edit/create view
- add title tag to be able to modify the title
- add tooltip for parent records in relatedlist widget
- WebService
- return success FALSE when one or more creates failed in a MassCreate operation regardless if there have been successes
- Workflow
- add EUVATValidation expression function to validate VAT for EU countries
- applymaptoarrayelementsandsubarray, adjust parameter check to support clean/invert and delete subarray element from master array always
- applyMaptoArrayElementsAndSubarray support for inverting clean array keys
- clean array elements function
- support for dot notation in mapping and templates
coreBOS Standard Code Formatting, Security, Optimizations, and Tests
- coreBOS Standard Formatting: eliminate warnings, eliminate useless code, variables, and comments, format code. Campaigns, Users, RelatedList Widget, General javascript
- Documentation:
- function headers, and comments
- non-stop wiki enhancements (working a lot on this)
- Security
- XSS in RelatedList link parameters
- Optimizations
- delete duplicate Browser variable
- group DOM load event actions
- Unit Tests: keeps getting more and more assertions.
- Webservice_WriteRunWS_Logs globally activate specific logging files for web service calls. We will add an option in the web service map soon to fine-tune the logs for each call when this variable is active.
- Application_ListView_Show_Create_Message hide "create record message" on empty record set in List View
- convert Workflow message from a warning to informative

- vertical menu adjustments

- Business Maps support for dot notation when OrgfieldID is not given (which is wrong, but...coreBOS tries to help)
- start using cbAppCache global variable. on our way to standardizing a cache layer
- use coreBOS Cache instead of static variable which was returning incorrect values in get_user_array
- Clickhouse support: cast port to 0 integer when not configured
- encode related lists labels in Layout Editor
- use correct variable name for fieldid in MasterDetail widget
- avoid total record count error when total count is not present in Related List
- get related master record id in Related List Widget
- apply LDS to Home page form
- add all supported languages in tuigrid listview
- set User in Global Variable call to get the correct value
- order user list by ename field and include user with no status to avoid search errors
- Widget button is submiting the form
- fix Field Dependency: readonly action issue
- Custom View: save current roleid in cbCVManagement filter
- Web Service
- restore value of current module in global space. fixes #1351
- Workflow
- change applymaptoinventoryarrayelements to more generic applyMaptoArrayElementsAndSubarray now that we support Dot Notation
- set workflow context always
- use correct variable for module name retrieving table alias. fixes #1363
- Translations
- Clickhouse webhook secret
- missing map translations
- Workflow expression ES

Thanks for reading.