Our 8th birthday seems to have brought a whole bunch of new integrations and a long-standing request in the documents module. Don't know what surprises me more, the number of new features you can put in a month or the big mix of people who have participated in them. Thanks!!
Features and Implementor/Developer enhancements
- Documents Folder: Continues and finishes this month. Not only do we have a whole new functionality inside the application but Denald and Xhilda update the WebDAV interface to work with the folders also. Incredible work. My compliments!
- apply filters in the tree view
- Apache Tika: integration. Document Full Text Search!
- create vtiger_documentsearchinfo table
- regsiter ApacheTika cron service
- detect SearchDocuments mode for Documents module and use another query
- search into Documents in tuigrid mode
- enhance the search in Global Search too. When we select the Documents module and the global variable is enabled
- show Search Documents button in UI when global variable is enabled
- send errors from Apache Tika in Message Queue
- create Apache_Tika_URL global variable
- LDS Styles: we continue to apply LDS everywhere. Thanks Egi!
- fix Settings icons
- change TagCloud Input UI
- change List View Buttons
- update Settings Panel Icons
- ClickHouse
- basic integration
- library
- update LDS and change layout
- integration infrastructure tested and ready to be used
- test query functionality
- Pivot
- validate new Pivot map format
- add multifact pivot table library
- add multiple aggregators in pivot table
- save last configuration of pivot after reload of the page
- show aggregations fields by default at top of the table
- Upgrade from vtiger CRM 5.x
- eliminate install addons dependency
- fine-tuning upgrade process
- from vtiger CRM 5.x scripts
- Mautic Integration
- initial (basic) integration
- validation and documentation
- testing contacts
- add Application_MassAction_Multipage global variable: define if we want to mass edit records that we select on many pages or on current page
- refresh the List View grid after the inline edit action
- support uitype 10 fields in tuigrid mode (nice!!)
- support Rules Condition Expression without record context
- Web Service
- support Field Dependency maps in ProcessMap
- add profileid information in the response of getPortalUserInfo webservice
- support condition expression in MassCreate/Upsert
- Webservice_LogCallsToQueue global variable
- Workflow
- add expression workflow for return date time from given year, weeks and day of week
- case insensitive search for expression functions
- logarithm function
- support returning full web service call response with the dot (.) field name
coreBOS Standard Code Formatting, Security, Optimizations, and Tests
- coreBOS Standard Formatting: eliminate warnings eliminate useless code, variables and comments, format code
- Documentation:
- aggregation workflow expression
- function headers, and comments
- non-stop wiki enhancements
- Optimizations
- eliminate obsolete unsupported database driver code
- eliminate undefined variable, reduce whitespace and debug message in database abstraction layer
- Security
- protect .git directory contents
- Mautic execution bit
- protect SAML certificate directory CWE-403
- better non-process rules and eliminate unnecessary file in storage directory
- Updates
- composer libraries
- add Mautic API
- add php-tika library
- add ClickHouse library
- Unit Tests: keeps getting more and more assertions
- use coreBOS logo if none given
- Colorizer quotes issue on JSON response from the database
- respect Inbucket Email configuration to permit sending emails
- show Approve/Deny option in filters for TUI grid mode
- ListView
- check for both columname and fieldname linkfield in listview
- hide actions if a record is a folder in Documents module
- prevent buttons from submitting forms
- support more than one condition in the same field for Colorizer
- trigger workflows in inline edit action
- Mobile
- increment index to get all values from related search
- refresh previous results when using autocomplete, because index is not refreshing
- load notification script after validations
- give PortalLogin contact user access to business maps as per application rules
- show images correctly in Related/Popup views
- fix empty date export issue in Reports excel format
- return 0x0 in vtws_getWSID when we cannot find the UUID string
- add support on cbQuestionAnswer for multiple ids
- Workflow
- add record_id for expression context
- correct SQL parameters for insert
- if currentModule is empty set currentModule with the value of related moduleName
- vtlib library
- add presence field
- better checks for Cron next sequence insert
- update Calendar module name in Cron task
- Translations
- Global Variable to es_es
- ListView
- TagCloud
- Tika
- Workflow getISODate expression function

Thanks for reading and Happy Easter.