Another wow! month. New features, enhancements, and fixes to previous functionality. Just amazing.
Features and Implementor/Developer enhancements
- Mass Create Grid: gets its' final touches and its own business map!
- check and disable all fields
- masscreate records if not exist
- match only active fields in grid
- show desert view if the map is not defined
- show mandatory fields of the related module in grid
- show match fields for selection
- check if selected module is not false value
- sort fields A-Z and do not save fields in map related modules are empty
- use fieldnames instead of columnname for searchon paramter
- use columnnames instead of fieldnames to find field types
- validate all field values before save
- create MassUpsertGridView map
- add MassUpsertGridView map type
- validate MassUpsertGrid map
- add template file for map generator
- allow users to select from the list of modules in fields related to more than one module
- save match block for MassUpsertGridView
- validate MassUpsertGridView map
- delete ListColumns functions because we added another map type for masscreategrid
- Paint2Document add drawings and modify images before uploading them to coreBOS
- External Links Documents easily create documents from links using this coreBOS Widget
- create dropzone action that allows creating external documents
- make dropzone widget a little smaller and translate correctly in ES
- check for valid URL before save
- Enhance Mail Converter to support launching a workflow when an email arrives
- add field for saving workflow in vtiger_mailscanner_rules
- add fields on UI
- add function to trigger webservice
- change passed CRMID, and extract workflowid from mailscannerrule
- pass correct crmId on worflow Excute function
- show workflow action on detailview

- Business Question gets some attention as we fix issues creating and executing the query
- only unset variable if params is an array
- unset array context variable once it is flattened
- use correct query variable
- change Global Variable used for pagination and id var name to contextid
- get current recordid for Grid type
- remove JSON value check
- remove limit from query
- remove unused function and update default value
- use query builder to add condition field
- apply user permission restriction on query
- remove duplicate check
- Business Map
- add filter handling via Condition Expression business map
- postProcess Web Service and Field mappings
- add support on process map for mode and position tags Detail View Layout Mapping
- FieldDependency support multiple condition search with fieldDep_GetFieldSearch
- Execute Function
- getFieldValuesFromSearch with support for multiple condition array and related fields with workflow syntax
- getEntityName
- doNothing PHP function
- create Notifications_Enabled global variable to block access to Notifications entry point
- use server side sorting for MasterDetail blocks
- Web Service
- MassCreate support per-record validations using the validate meta-information directive
- MassUpdate support per-record validations using the DORECORDVALIDATION meta-information directive
- Get PDF name with CRMID
- permit putting some operations on the queue. web service now supports a cbwsOptions array to configure the call. This options array supports the directive launchfromqueue and queuedelay that permit us to put the operation in the queue.
- Workflow
- add expression function for return array of related record getRelatedRecordCreateArrayConverting
- add condition when related module doesn't exist on corebos do map
- add log message to setManyToMany task
- add previous record values to context previous_fieldname, useful for saving or notifying about changes
- add randomnumber expression
- add reactadmin portal detail view URL to email templates
- add support for context in template rendering
- add JSON numeric check on json_encode method in the web service call task
- format date uses today if no date is given
- mass activate/deactivate workflows
- make all tasks optionally queueable almost all tasks can now be launched from the queue by simply setting a delay
- support minute delays. important now that we can put anything on the queue
coreBOS Standard Code Formatting, Security, Optimizations, and Tests
- coreBOS Standard Formatting: eliminate warnings, eliminate useless code, variables, and comments, format code
- Mobile: eliminate MSDOS EOL
- Continuous Integration set docker container to alpine 3.15
- Documentation:
- function headers, and comments
- non-stop wiki enhancements (working a lot on this)
- Optimizations
- use spreading to copy array in Field Dependency
- faster and less memory intense action check in the index
- reduce whitespace and concatenation operation in index
- delete pricelist RelatedLists script
- delete unused variables and whitespace in workflow
- whatsapp workflow use direct values inside loop and return error message
- add parameters in Web Service to support three types of output response
- move Web Service functions to Utils file so we can call them in other places
- Security
- get the purified list of modules in Layout Editor
- Updates
- Toast tuiGrid library to latest version
- Calendar change deprecated function
- DOMPurify update to 2.3.7
- Unit Tests: keeps getting more and more assertions
- search in columns in advance filter
- DetailViewLayoutMapping empty check and XSD definition
- get fields from database if cache is empty in business map
- Field Dependency: support HTML input field values
- correctly assign relation and checkbox fields in Dependency Map
- avoid accessing undefined index defaultcompany
- block inline edit save (lost in previous commit)
- check if image exists before loading details
- use dataset uitype for 1025 fields
- Filter: add soundex and regexp in advanced filter
- Filter: use keys to move up and down in filter options
- Grid tooltip is missing when Application_ListView_SearchColumns is enabled
- use array value instead of yet undefined variable for module name in Grid
- Import: get Id of selected wf
- check if given ID belongs to the Account/Contact module to get address in Inventory modules
- Kanban: module not found error
- Layout Editor support for more than one relation with the same module
- List View
- disable editor for 1024 field in listview
- do not translate values in tuigrid listview
- inline edits do not respect validations
- select checkbox in massedit for uitype 1025
- set default language if it is not supported in tuigrid
- show actions in Calendar ListView
- show correct values in listview for uitype 1024 and 1025
- show group name in listview if a record is assigned to groups
- use correct filter in tuiGrid mode for non-admin users
- Mass Edit: clear the field when changing the selected module for field 1025
- Mail Manager: correct ISO 8859 spelling
- Master Detail
- dropdown entries are not translated
- inline edits do not respect validations
- ModTracker
- get microtime in float which is needed by number_format
- updating changedon datatype, saving modifiedtime with microsends
- use formatted value in ModTracker for uitype 1025
- formatting the code
- ModuleBuilder
- add get_attachments relation for Documents module
- do not allow duplicated module blocks
- eliminates spaces when creating a module
- hide warnings in case the block has not created fields
- use fieldname instead of columnname for RelatedList dependents list
- prevent buttons from submitting forms in RelatedPanes
- complete support for multicurrency fields in Reports
- eliminate 100 character limit on URLs
- import/export condition map business action function
- vtlibPurify apply string operation only on string variable
- Web Service
- directly return parameter if it is already an array
- move params operation outside loop and correctly set the value in call
- picklist default value was not setting from layout editor
- recursive add and strip slashes for complex array structures
- use GenDoc_Default_Compile_Language in getmergedtemplate
- fix module label translation issue in Describe
- last record is lost if there are more than one reference fields
- returning JSON response
- adding values to the body when not declared on URL
- Workflow
- correctly select the action in setManyToMany task
- infinite loop in upsert task if we create the record in the same module
- remove condition for checking module existence
- return only mapped fields
- Using current login user details
- change varchar length for wf name
- Translations
- translate incorrect label in Header
- add Show More label
- update pt_br and es_es files
- Calendar/PurchaseOrder/SalesOrder: eliminate HTML entities in favor of UTF8
- Business Map
- Document Folders
- Dropzone
- MassCreateGrid
- ModuleBuilder
- Notifications
- Paint2Documents
- TUIGrid: use coreBOS user language in Grid
- TUIGrid: pt

Thanks for reading.