A tale of creating awesomazing software

In February 2019 we introduced a Developer Widget class that permits us to easily add widgets, in April we created our first public chart widget which is documented in the wiki. This August we release another widget to mass upload documents and I thought it would be a good idea to create a tutorial using Developer Blocks and the PRESAVE event we introduced in March. Enjoy!

Some interesting new functionality arrives this June, like the SendGrid and HubSpot integrations and a very important new workflow task to call web services, but there is more and the usual maintenance stuff as we keep enhancing the project.

coreBOS now has an abstraction layer to send emails. Instead of the hardcoded phpmailer library, we can easily use any email service to send emails like SendGrid, MailChimp or sendinblue among others.

A common use case of coreBOS is to control the amount of money a client owes us or that he has prepaid us. Information we need to know in order to reclaim those amounts or to reimburse them in subsequent purchases.

This month finds the whole team very busy on other projects so it turns out to be a slow month. Even so, coreBOS gets a set of fixes and enhancements while it proves to be more and more powerful as that backbone that permits us to implement stable and useful solutions for the companies using it.

Management and knowledge of the time spent by our employees is directly tied with the rentability of our company, but now that many countries like Spain have passed laws that enforce them to register this time I thought it was a good time to write about how coreBOS has been doing this since 2006!